In-Home Supports

Providing you the Support you need in the comfort of your own home.
Delivered by our team of qualified professionals.
Our Support Workers and Service Coordinators pride themselves on delivering friendly, personable support to the disabled and aged community.
Our in-home Supports make sure you're receiving the aid you need in the comfort of your own home. To view our transport pricing, please refer here.

A mentor can support you to think through life’s challenges so that you can make positive and informed choices. This could include finding employment or exploring the option to live independently.
A mentor can support you to set and achieve goals as well as modelling different ways of reaching your goal and different ways of approaching a challenge or situation.

Skills Trainer
Skill trainers are able to work with you to develop and master skills that you would like to achieve. Skills trainers can support you to learn and master activities of daily living such as cooking and preparing meals, managing a budget, developing literacy and numeracy skills and accessing public transport.
If you have a more specific goal or skill that you would like to learn, make sure to let us know. We have a range of support workers that have a range of skills and passions that they would love to share with you.

Personal Care Assistant
A personal care assistant can support you in all areas your personal care routine. This can include, showering, dressing, stoma care, PEG feeding, transfers and manual handling, and other personal health needs.
Our personal care assistants are supported by a team of Nurses that can develop complex care plans and medication management plans. Personal care support workers are trained and as a base are able to perform manual handling task and medication assistance. If further training is required, this will be provided to the team based around your needs.

A companion is always present alongside you. A companion can provide just the right amount of support so that you are able to successfully navigate your day.
You may need support with your communication, to attend appointments or do some shopping. A companion will be able to give you the freedom and flexibility within support, so that you can achieve things to your full potential.

Host Family
If you or your loved one require more holistic support on either a long term or short term basis, host family arrangements provide an opportunity for a person to be welcomed into a family home and become part of regular family life. This can either be on a full or part time basis.
These arrangements can also provide an opportunity to learn the skills of daily life in a natural environment.

Home Sharers
If you or your loved one would benefit from having a person living with them to provide company, safety or support with daily life, a home sharer may be the answer.
Home sharers provide low level support in exchange for living rent free in your home. Enable WA can help you find the right match and ensure that the person has the qualities you are looking for.