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Report an Incident

Report something that's happened.

Enable WA is committed to responding promptly and effectively to all incidents. If you have witnessed or been made aware of an incident, you can report this below. An incident is when something has happened that has or could have caused harm to a NDIS participant or staff member.


If you are not sure if you have witnessed or been made aware of an incident it is best to report this anyway.


By doing this Enable WA can make further enquiries to ensure safe and quality supports for those who access our services.


Please provide as much information as possible when reporting an incident, this will assist with any further actions required.

What questions are in the form?

To help you prepare for the Incident Report form above, here is a list of the included questions:


1. What was the date of the incident?

2. Where did the incident take place? Please enter Street Address, City and State. 

3. Let us know what happened:

4. Would you like to be contacted by Enable WA after submitting this incident?

5. If yes, please leave your name. 

6. If yes, how would you like to be contacted?

7. Please leave your phone number OR please leave your email address. 

Form Complete. 

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