Leave a Complaint

Has something been unsatisfactory?
Enable WA is committed to responding promptly and effectively to all complaints. Enable WA has a current complaints management system that promotes safe and quality services to NDIS participants.
If you would like to make a complaint, please provide as much information as possible.
By doing this Enable WA can make further enquiries to address any issues and ensure safe and quality supports for those who access our service.
Enable WA can also support you to make a complaint to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. If you would like this to happen, please ensure that you provide your contact details on the complaints form below.
Alternatively, if you would like to make a complaint without Enable WA's involvement, you can contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission on 1800 035 544 or www.ndiscommission.gov.au
What questions are in the form?
To help you prepare for the Complaints form above, here is a list of the included questions:
1. Please leave your complaint. Please leave as much detail as possible.
2. Which region does your complaint belong to? This will help us make sure the right team receive your complaint.
3. Can you provide the names of any workers that could provide more information or who are related to this complaint?
4. Can you please provide the names of any Participants that could provide more information or who are related to this complaint?
5. Can you provide the names of any outside agencies (such as other disability support providers or support coordinators), that could provide more information or who are related to this complaint?
6. Would you like to be contacted by Enable WA after submitting this complaint?
7. If yes, please enter your name (or the name of the person we should contact).
8. How would you like to be contacted?
9. If email, please leave your email address or the email address of who we should contact.
10. If phone, please leave your phone number or the phone number of who we should contact.
11. End of Form.