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Child Counseling

Speech Pathology Services

for Perth, Peel, Bunbury and South West

Speech Pathologists are qualified health professionals who provide support to people who have trouble communicating or eating and drinking. If Speech Pathology is in your or your child’s NDIS plan, Enable WA can help.

Speech Pathology Services Across Western Australia

Our speech pathologists of the Mandurah/Peel region are experienced in managing the speech pathology needs for young children (early intervention), children, and adults.

We also offer speech pathology services in the Perth Metro region for adults, with specialty in neurological conditions such as stroke, Parkinson’s disease, motor neurone disease, and dementia.

Speech Pathology services benefit people with a range of developmental and acquired conditions and various support needs, and might include support for:

  • Spoken Language

  • Understanding others

  • Speech clarity

  • Written communication and reading comprehension

  • Social communication and social skills

  • Stuttering

  • Voice disorders

  • AAC – communication devices and technologies to aid communication 

  • Swallowing, feeding, and mealtime management

Are You Eligible?

Our Speech Pathology and Therapy services are included on an NDIS Plan under Capacity Building Supports (Improved Daily Living). But if you don't have this on your Plan, we may still be able to provide Support to you. 


The easiest way to check if you're covered is to call us on 97927500, or click below to send us an email directly. 

Meet our Speech Pathologists!


Meet Maddy, our Speech Pathologist for Children in Mandurah/Peel. 

Maddy is a Senior Speech Pathologist at Enable WA.  She is a Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist (CPSP) and has worked across the community and school settings with a diverse range of clients and families, including those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and various cognitive and neurodevelopmental presentations.


She brings her past experience in community and education settings to Enable WA and is passionate about supporting clients to maximise their communication function to improve their quality of life. 

Friendly, reliable, and professional.

Book a session with Maddy here. 


Meet Hayley, our Speech Pathologist at Mandurah/Peel.

Hayley is a Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist (CPSP) at Enable WA. She has experience across clinical, community and school settings, with clients of all ages presenting with a range developmental and cognitive support needs.


She brings her background experience in education to Enable WA, where she is committed to supporting individuals to increase their communication skills. She is passionate about making a positive difference to people’s lives and strongly believes in the importance of communication for everyone.

Passionate, friendly, and professional

Book a session with Hayley here. 

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